



Opportunities for Involvement

Opportunities for Involvement

有几个地方机构和组织在促进地区和州的可持续发展方面发挥了积极作用. Many 澳门新葡京官网 students have worked with these organizations, and their doors are often open to those wishing to volunteer their time. Paid internships are available for qualified students. Contact Coordinator of Urban Environmental Studies Dr. William Holt [email protected], 226-4834

Students in the field

  • The Turkey Creek Nature Preserve 由阿拉巴马州的“永远野生计划”所有,由澳门新葡京官网南方环境中心和淡水土地信托共同管理. 这片土地被管理为濒临灭绝的朱红色斑鱼的自然保护区,并提供了许多被动的娱乐机会, including hiking, wading, fly fishing and nature photography. 澳门新葡京官网 alumni Charles Yeager is the current manager.
  • Alabama Environmental Council - The Alabama Environmental Council (AEC), 是一个教育和基层倡导组织,致力于保存和保护阿拉巴马州的自然环境和健康. AEC works to build environmental awareness, promote the wise management of our natural resources, and ensure the protection of Alabama's diverse natural heritage.Dr. Duncan
  • Alabama Rivers Alliance -阿拉巴马河流联盟的使命是团结阿拉巴马州的公民来保护清洁, healthy waters. They team with the Southern Environmental Law Center on the Alabama Water Agenda: A Guide for Achieving Healthy Water in Alabama.
  • Alabama Wildlife Rehabilitation Center - Located in Oak Mountain State Park, the AWRC is Alabama's oldest and largest wildlife rehabilitation center. More than 3,000 injured and orphaned wild creatures are cared for each year, including almost 2,000 birds representing more than 100 species. Volunteers are always welcomed.
  • Associated Colleges of the South - 澳门新葡京官网 is a member of the Associated Colleges of the South, and is an active participant in its Environmental Program. Faculty, students, 学生组织已经收到了ACS环境项目的几笔资助. 如果你有一个需要资助的想法,或者想了解更多关于ACS项目的信息,请访问
  • Birmingham Audubon Society -致力于保护鸟类和其他野生动物,增进对它们的了解. 他们赞助了为期四天的奥杜邦山工作坊,重点关注阿拉巴马州的生态和自然历史.  Birmingham-Southern biology faculty often teach classes during the workshop.
  • Black Warrior Riverkeeper -是一个强大的当地河流倡导组织,其使命是保护和恢复黑勇士河及其支流.  他们的重点是在水路巡逻,教育公众,并追究污染者的责任. 澳门新葡京官网 students are welcome as interns or volunteers.   
  • Cahaba River Society -是阿拉巴马州最大的流域保护组织,是全国公认的河流管理组织. Their success is due to its balanced, science-based, and inclusive approach. Their mission is to restore and protect the Cahaba River watershed, its rich diversity of life, 以及这条河为阿拉巴马州25%的人口提供的饮用水的质量. 澳门新葡京官网学生和校友与CRS合作,帮助它实现包括教育实地考察在内的目标.
  • Camp Fletcher - Pauline Braye Flecther, the first African American registered nurse in Alabama, 1926年,他建立了弗莱瑟营,作为黑人儿童和家庭在种族隔离期间探索自然和户外活动的户外场所. Today, 非营利组织“阿拉巴马州桥之路”在贝塞默经营着有300个护理中心的弗莱彻营地, AL including a Summer Day Camp program for young people in grades 1-12.
  • Camp McDowell Environmental Center - CMEC是阿拉巴马教区圣公会的营地和会议中心. With a strong emphasis on environmental education since 1948, people of all faiths and backgrounds have used these facilities to rest, learn, grow, worship, and play. 麦克道尔营地环境中心和焦点羽毛(猛禽项目)每年为成千上万的学生提供优秀的环境教育. 每年,CMEC都会为夏令营项目招募志愿者和辅导员.
  • Coosa Riverkeeper - 2010年,阿拉巴马州库萨河谷的一群环保领袖成立了该组织,以回应这条河流被美国河流列为美国第十大最濒危河流. They organize local river and lake patrols. 库萨河管理员通过他们的游泳指南和鱼类指南项目教育当地社区.
  • The Freshwater Land Trust -淡水土地信托的使命是收购和管理土地,以提高水质并保护杰斐逊县的开放空间, AL, as part of the Jefferson County Greenways Program. FLT致力于确保每个人都能受益:土地所有者、企业和社区. 澳门新葡京官网学生在各种项目和实习中与土地一起工作. 城市环境研究专业毕业生丽贝卡·派恩·帕森斯是土地管理员.
  • Jones Valley Teaching Farm -这是一个正在成长的非营利组织,在伯明翰地区生产和推广有机农产品和营养项目.  琼斯谷在市中心有一个3英亩的农场,并与当地学校合作开展食品教育.
  • The Nature Conservancy - Alabama Chapter - The mission of TNC is to preserve the plants, animals, 以及代表地球上生命多样性的自然群落,保护它们生存所需的土地和水域. Since 1951, TNC has been working with communities, businesses, and citizens to protect nearly 117 million acres around the world. 澳门新葡京官网 has placed interns in their excellent summer internship program.
  • Railroad Park-是伯明翰市中心一个19英亩的绿地,庆祝我们伟大城市的工业和艺术遗产. Located on 1st Avenue South, between 14th and 18th Streets, 该公园是伯明翰市和铁路公园基金会共同努力的结果. 该公园被用作伯明翰南部许多班级的实验室和实地考察场地. 执行董事Camille Spratling是澳门新葡京官网校友和该学院的前雇员.
  • Red Mountain Park - 第三个占地超过1000英亩的公园是伯明翰三大公园倡议中最大的公园吗.  Formerly owned and by U.S. Steel Corporation, 该公园将作为工业考古博物馆和休闲区,将采矿历史与步行小径相结合, hiking, biking and more.  
  • Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham-负责进行和协调大伯明翰地区的大部分主要城市规划工作, including public transit, land use, and urban growth. 他们支持平衡记分卡实习生进行城市规划和地理信息系统培训.
  • Ruffner Mountain Nature Center - is a 1,100-acre nature preserve in the heart of Birmingham dedicated to preservation, education, and recreation for everyone. 新的LEED认证树屋和后廊综合体举办教育课程和周末活动. 通过在鲁夫纳山的实习和服务学习,澳门新葡京官网学生学习了保护规划和公园管理方面的宝贵技能.
  • Southern Environmental Center  - on the campus of Birmingham-Southern College, 是阿拉巴马州同类教育机构中最大的,一次可以接待多达100名游客的团体. In addition to its award-winning Interactive Museum and EcoScape Gardens, the SEC is also active in the community. 它发起了一系列针对水质、雾霾和城市扩张的模范伙伴关系. 理学士卡的学生受益于与当地项目和合作伙伴的众多联系.