






以下链接的机构代表学生与之合作的社区伙伴, 教职员工在澳门新葡京官网合作.  机构处理广泛的社会需求. 我们根据以下感兴趣的领域组织了该列表:

  • 儿童、青年和教育
  • 照顾老人
  • 环境,户外,动物 
  • 社区发展及行动 
  • 食物公正 
  • 健康与福利 
  • 住房和无家可归 
  • 特殊需要护理 

To get involved with any of these agencies, contact Krulak研究所 staff.    




    阿拉巴马州的可能  is a statewide nonprofit organization that breaks down barriers to prosperity through advocacy, education, 和协作. 

    伯明翰教育基金会  is dedicated to increasing the number of students in Birmingham City Schools that are on the path to college, career, 以及生活准备. 

    从书到监狱——阿拉巴马  支持和促进被监禁人员的教育. 

    布什山蒸汽学院  STEAM中学是否提供具有挑战性的学术课程, 六种统一的艺术选择, and a wide range of extracurricular and leadership opportunities; Bush Hills is adjacent to the 澳门新葡京官网 campus. 

    Build Up is a workforce development model that provides low-income youth career-ready skills through paid apprenticeships with industry-aligned secondary and early-postsecondary academic coursework. 

    荒岛供应公司  is a nonprofit creative writing program for Birmingham students offering free after-school workshops plus in-school programs. 

    女孩,公司.  为1-8年级的女孩提供课外活动, 包括阅读, 生活技能, 经济文化, 运动的目标是激励所有女孩变得坚强, smart, and bold. 

    北极星足球事工  promotes opportunities for investment in the lives of neighborhood youth by providing a high-quality soccer club within a holistic, 基督教的环境.  

    伯明翰楼梯(开启阅读之旅) seeks to improve reading skills and self-esteem of second graders through one-on-one tutoring. 

    YouthServe 促进青年志愿服务和领导能力, giving young people the tools to make positive differences in their communities.




    麦考伊成人日托中心  provides a high-quality on-site program of adult day care services including supervision, 健康筛查, nutrition, 治疗性活动, exercise and lots of love; McCoy is adjacent to the 澳门新葡京官网 campus.  

    橡树丘健康康复中心  is a skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility where residents enjoy a wide variety of activities, including weekly Bingo; volunteers are paired with a resident for regular visits. Oak Knoll位于澳门新葡京官网校园以南两个街区.



    布什山社区花园和城市农场  was established in 2019 on the property of the former Woodrow Wilson Elementary School to eradicate food insecurity and promote healthier lifestyles for residents and visitors.  

    大伯明翰人道协会 promotes the humane treatment of people and animals through education, advocacy and services. 

    红山公园  一个1500英亩的公共城市公园包围了一个4.5 mile long section of Red Mountain, a prominent ridge that passes through Birmingham.  

    鲁夫纳山自然保护区 is a 1,040 acre nature preserve located in the eastern portion of Jefferson County with the mission of advancing the understanding of ecology in a rapidly changing world. 

    澳门新葡京官网南方环境中心 是阿拉巴马州同类教育机构中最大的, dedicated to showing individuals how they can protect and improve their local environments through an nteractive Museum and the Hugh Kaul EcoScape garden; located on the 澳门新葡京官网 campus. 

    火鸡溪自然保护区 is a 466 acre preserve established through a partnership between the Freshwater Land Trust and Alabama’s Forever Wild program. The Enviro南部nmental Center manages the environmental education center at the preserve.  




    Ensley活着  is a movement dedicated to the renaissance of Ensley, a community in western Birmingham.  Ensley活着 seeks to present a counter-narrative to the widely held beliefs, 对社区的刻板印象和错误信息.  

    大伯明翰事工  是一个多信仰的国家, multi-racial organization that provides emergency services for people in need and engages the poor and the non-poor in systemic change efforts to build a strong, 支持, 参与社区,为所有人追求更公正的社会.   

    阿拉巴马州拉美裔利益联盟 教育移民社区了解他们的权利, 支持和动员青年, and collaborates with allies working with marginalized communities to stand in unity against hate.  

    看不见的历史项目  作为LGBTQ生活历史的保存库, 首先在阿拉巴马州, and then the entire Southeast; the archive preserves, collects, 保护酷儿群体多样性的鲜活历史. 

    杰斐逊县纪念项目  is a grassroots coalition dedicated to researching Jefferson County’s 30 documented racial terror victims and their descendants, 向公众宣传这段历史的重要性, 在私刑地点放置历史标记, and retrieving the Jefferson County monument from the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery.  

    史密斯菲尔德- dynamite山社区土地信托基金  is a community-led initiative to establish a Community Land Trust centered in the Historic Smithfield community of Birmingham to support low-income permanently affordable home ownership, 以社区为基础的商业发展, 粮食主权, 普及教育. 

    城市部公司.  is a faith-based nonprofit extending compassion and opportunities for wholeness to everyone in the West End community by listening to the community, 发挥他们的天赋和优势, 并建立一些项目来肯定他们作为上帝儿女的尊严.  

    阿拉巴马中部的女青年会  seeks to create a more caring community through work in affordable housing, quality child development programs for children of homeless and working poor families, 家庭暴力服务, 以及社会正义规划.  




    阿拉巴马州中部的社区食品银行  feeds people in need today and fosters collaborative solutions to end hunger tomorrow. 

    高地UMC社区事工 周一至周六提供早餐招待时间, 提供邮件, laundry, and legal service to homeless and food insecure individuals on Birmingham’s Southside. 

    琼斯谷教学农场  encourages academic exploration and achievement through food, farming, and the culinary arts.



    卡哈巴谷医疗保健  provides dental and vision services for people in financial need in Jefferson and Shelby counties, 在保持尊严的同时, 尊重文化多样性, 加强社区.                  

    M-Power部委  provides free primary care services to adult patients without access to health insurance, 帮助减轻慢性疾病.  

    伯明翰危机中心 serves the unmet needs of people experiencing personal crisis or mental health issues and responds with services that promote coping, 情绪健康, 和幸福.



    第一光明妇女庇护所  位于伯明翰市中心, offers the area’s only emergency shelter accepting homeless women and families 24 hours a day. 

    人类家园 helps families build strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter.  

    One Roof  is the coordinating agency for the homelessness Continuum of Care of Central Alabama.



    贝尔中心  is dedicated to maximizing the potential of children from birth to three years of age who are at risk for developmental delay. 

    卓越基金会  enhances the quality of life for individuals of all ages with developmental challenges by providing social and recreational activities designed to promote healthy living, 支持社会关系, 提高功能技能, 促进社区参与.


与Krulak研究所联系,电话:205-226-7717 (电子邮件保护)